As a mother, I love each of my children infinitely.
This is not to say that I "love them the same".....
I have learned that this is not only unrealistic to think you can love all of your children the same, it is impossible. And the sooner that you can understand and accept this fact the sooner you can get on to the business of loving each of them infinitely- using the currency that works the most effectively with them to communicate and connect in that unique way.
Having teenagers is ending up to be, without a doubt, the MOST EXHAUSTING, challenging and emotionally draining experience of my life.
By the sheer nature of their ages, and their relationship, MacKenzie and Sawyer's relationship is full of drama.... And lately it all seems to be intensifying. If it was a slow trickle previously, it now feels like the flood gates have opened and we are all caught up in the rapids.....
I truly try to not interfere when it comes to their interactions, unless I really feel that one of them is being incredibly cruel to the other....
Anymore I cant tell what is cruel for the sake of making a point- and what is actual dislike of the other person. All I know for sure is that it breaks my heart to see and hear the way they treat eachother- the gut wrenching things that are said......
And I try to not take sides- Easier said than done......
Arloboy: 5
8 years ago