Monday, December 28, 2009

Karate Kick to The Head

There is nothing like a swift drop to the floor to make your 35 year old body realize that as much as you try to deny it..... You are no longer a spring chicken.......

Tonight when I got home from work, I opened the door and was greeted with the sights and sounds of an entire house full of teenage energy. Being that we are deep into Christmas break and are still a full week out from school being back in session there is only on word that can begin to describe the vibe that permiates the premisis..... MAYHEM.

Seven of them. S-E-V-E-N. Ages 10,12,12,14,14,16 and 17. Thats what lie just behind the door tonight. Six of them who can actually say they reside here. On three seperate levels they were spread out- video games- laptops- music..... They are nothing if not well entertained. Well maybe fed- the sheer amount of food being consumed in a single 24 hour period right now is enough to rival most small countries.

But I digress......
In the living room I found three of the boys- one of them with a helmet on his head and the other two taking turns showing off their ability to kick "really really high" say in the head and shoulders region. Being the young cool(ha!) Mom that I am I figured.... When in Rome..... and I decided to show them that sort of physical display isnt reserved for them alone.

And THAT was my BIG mistake

Note to self**** Soft fuzzy socks and smooth wood floors DO NOT mix well with karate kicks to the head****

It was in that millisecond between being impressed with myself and the massive thud of my body hitting the floor that I made this discovery.....

Here's to not quite being as fast or as smart as I once was :(


  1. LMFAO!!! Oh my gawd I can so picture this! Hilarious!! I hope that you are not hurt to badly!!

  2. Ah - Yes....There is something to be said about your desire to try and put forth effort toward something that is unknown physically.

    I say A - for effort!

    Now whether you are up and walking enough to read this today is an entirely different story! :)

  3. I'm not laughing....

    I'm not laughing....

    I'm not....

    Oh hell, who are we kidding here!! I'm laughing!! That is fantastic!!
