Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Can someone slow this thing down?????????

I feel like life is on fast forward right now!!!

To my knowledge, the number of hours in a day hasnt become less, but I sure am struggling to keep up. I cant explain it exactly, but it really feels like life is a giant blur stretched out in front of me. Like a giant bolt of multi colored light and it is pulling me along as I struggle to grab at it's tail.

Entire weeks right now are flying by in the blink of an eye, I have some monumental milestones coming up in the next few months and I would really like to be able to enjoy this moment in time- If I could just find a way to slow everything down around me....

Until I figure out how to accomplish this- I guess the best I can do is hold on for dear life and try to enjoy the ride- - - -

Friday, February 5, 2010


I am sitting at work - wishing and praying to be anywhere but there.....
To have anything other than what is staring at me on the computer screen to think about.....

My blackberry rings and it is Sawyer (my challenging 16 yr old daughter)

I take a deep breath- and hit ignore.....
Send her a text and say "What's Up"......

Phone rings - it's Sawyer again....

I answer "Yes?"

"Mom!!!!!!!!!! Mom!!!!!!!! It's an emergency- I have a basketnall game tonight and I FORGOT my sports bra........"

"OMG Mom- what am I going to do??? I will be flopping everywhere!!!!!"

I dont feel particularly symapthetic- and so I tell-
"Get some sprots tape.... and tie 'em down" :)

Ready to Drop!!!

Sorry It has been over a week since my last post..... (OK I just went back and read that and had to laugh) Who am I apologizing too??? I am not sure if anyone other than my sister and my own kids even reads this!!!

Oh Well-

As I was saying, it has been an absolutely insanity driven, exhausting, chaos - fueled week!! Even by my standards!! I havent been feeling well and even ended up at the hospital.... Nothing too serious but am still not back to my baseline :(

Hopefully the weekend will help with some of that ( although I doubt it) The weekends are usually even busier than the work-weeks....

Have a great weekend!!!