Friday, February 5, 2010

Ready to Drop!!!

Sorry It has been over a week since my last post..... (OK I just went back and read that and had to laugh) Who am I apologizing too??? I am not sure if anyone other than my sister and my own kids even reads this!!!

Oh Well-

As I was saying, it has been an absolutely insanity driven, exhausting, chaos - fueled week!! Even by my standards!! I havent been feeling well and even ended up at the hospital.... Nothing too serious but am still not back to my baseline :(

Hopefully the weekend will help with some of that ( although I doubt it) The weekends are usually even busier than the work-weeks....

Have a great weekend!!!


  1. I just want you to know that I enjoy reading your blog!!!

    Hope you feel better... take a warm bubble bath!

  2. Meg,

    Sorry you have been under the weather. Get better soon and keep on blogging. It's interesting to hear about all your adventures. :)

    Take Care!
    Bill M.

  3. See... you have readers! I love your blog... and cannot wait to hear more... You are far more interesting than me.... I love you and hope that you have a good weekend!
