Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I want a do -over !!!!!!!!!

Is it possible??
2009 was the last year of my oldest daughter's "childhood".

She will be 18 in April
Graduationg from highschool in May
And startung college in the Fall.........

Where has all the time gone?

I am so NOT ready for the next year.

Can we just freeze time right now?
How do I capture and hold on to this moment in time????

Proud Mama


Thanksgiving 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fishing Expeditions and Taking the cat to the vet...

I love all of my children dearly.
No question, no hesitation, no doubt about it.
Some would say that I am fiercely over-protective......
I prefer to think of it as unequivicably AWARE.

I am very open-minded and laid back about alot of things.... Hair styles, color, peircings, clothing styles, musical taste... I think even my kids would admit that I am very "cool" like that.

In other areas I am truthfully over involved. My teenagers still arent allowed to spend the night or even go over to a friends house for the afternoon until I have spoken to the parents and "compared notes"....

They must call or text me when arriving places or leaving to go somewhere else......

So far I must admit I get VERY little true backlash from them about it. I think they realize it is a losing battle to fight. I am NOT budging.....

My sixteen year old daughter is unquestionably my most rebellious and( how do I say this nicely) Challenging child. She is incredibly righteous and insanely strong-willed and just may be the death of me yet.

Needless to say, I really have to be on my toes with her... Even things that sound harmless enough I have to look at under a microscope. "S" is many things, she is neither a fisherman or a true animal lover... and so i had to laugh(repeatedly) when she wants to spend time with her "friend" and either go fishing or take his cat to the vet..............................................................


Do I really look like I was born yesterday??????????

Murphy's Law

I went and saw the doctor a couple of weeks ago for the first time in years.

I have a seriously difficult time making appointments and being seen for medical care. It is quite the emotional road block for me. I have thought long and hard about why this is so and truthfully I do not have a fully formed answer. It is something that I am going to resolve to do better about.

I think, in part, this is difficult for me due to the nature of my second marriage.

After my first marriage ended, I met and married a man fifteen years older than me....and a physician. There was absolutely NOTHING that could have prepared me for becoming a "Doctor's Wife"..... Im sure that I will dive into that deeper in future posts-

My reality as a doctor's wife in a small town meant that I had zero possability of anonimity....
The nurse who drew my blood or weighed me in or gave me a shot in the ass knew me as "Dr P's wife" the doctor who counseled me on cholesterol or prescribed my migraine meds or told me to "put my feet in the stirrups and relax....." would enevitibly be seated next to me at the hospital's Christmas party..... Needless to say I developed a SERIOUS complex.

HIPPA regulations aside- I know FIRSTHAND that often the most interesting cases of the day inevitably end up as dinner-time conversation for the doctor's families.....

All of these realities aside-

I had to reason with myself that I simply cannot go the rest of my life without medical care.

And so I took a deep breath- made an appointment as soon as I could so I had little time to talk myself out of it.... And actually followed through and went. Just about the time I was silently patting myself on the back for my mature, responsible follow through I was rewarded for my skepticism....... A surprise pap-smear :( Ugh!!!!!!

Baggage that matches mine :)

I have been married and divorced twice. It's strange but either typing that or saying it out loud causes me to tense up and cringe. I hate that fact about myself. HATE HATE HATE.

However hate it or not, it is a fact. It is a part of my journey. I can no more change that about myself than I can make myself taller. It is what it is. Im not sure how much of an actual stigma there is around my mulitple failed marriages- But I feel like a failure.

I have been blessed to be born to the most incredible parents who are still married(to eachother even!!!) I want that. I want what they have. And though I have yet to succeed- I am still holding out hope that my life too might one day include a happy, loving, secure, worn-in, well weathered, healthy, safe, and meaningful connection with someone special.

I cannot say for certain if that will ever come to be for me. But for now, I am happy. Truly happy for maybe the first time in my life. I am loved. I feel cared for. And I feel understood. J and I are different in many ways but on the tough things, on the little quirks of personalities- we fit quite well. I have shown him my scars and he has shown me his, and somehow that makes the world a far less lonely and scary place.

I cant believe that just when I least expected it.... I found baggage that matches mine!!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Karate Kick to The Head

There is nothing like a swift drop to the floor to make your 35 year old body realize that as much as you try to deny it..... You are no longer a spring chicken.......

Tonight when I got home from work, I opened the door and was greeted with the sights and sounds of an entire house full of teenage energy. Being that we are deep into Christmas break and are still a full week out from school being back in session there is only on word that can begin to describe the vibe that permiates the premisis..... MAYHEM.

Seven of them. S-E-V-E-N. Ages 10,12,12,14,14,16 and 17. Thats what lie just behind the door tonight. Six of them who can actually say they reside here. On three seperate levels they were spread out- video games- laptops- music..... They are nothing if not well entertained. Well maybe fed- the sheer amount of food being consumed in a single 24 hour period right now is enough to rival most small countries.

But I digress......
In the living room I found three of the boys- one of them with a helmet on his head and the other two taking turns showing off their ability to kick "really really high" say in the head and shoulders region. Being the young cool(ha!) Mom that I am I figured.... When in Rome..... and I decided to show them that sort of physical display isnt reserved for them alone.

And THAT was my BIG mistake

Note to self**** Soft fuzzy socks and smooth wood floors DO NOT mix well with karate kicks to the head****

It was in that millisecond between being impressed with myself and the massive thud of my body hitting the floor that I made this discovery.....

Here's to not quite being as fast or as smart as I once was :(

2 pink lines and away we go......

I recall that very first moment like it was earlier this morning. Thats how fresh, how clear, how solid the memory is in my mind. Actually to be more accurate, thats how fresh the imprint is on my soul......

The moment I was informed (by my very angry mother) that I was indeed 17.

I remember the way the sunlight poured through the bedroom windows on that fall afternoon in Colorado....The way it cast shadows across the wall and the the floor. I know because that is where my gaze was fixed. The wall, the floor, the little "popcorn specs" on the ceiling. Anywhere but in the dissapointed, angry, distraught eyes of my mom.

Funny thing is, I was never upset. I was never panicked or sad or worried.... I cant explain it but it was just as if she were telling me something that I already knew... or better yet that I had already made a place in my heart for. It was as if my life suddenly had purpose.

I just went back and reread that and cringed. I now have teenagers and I would be insanely put-off if my children were to have such a seemingly cavalier reaction to being informed of their impending parenthood at 17 and yet I cannot deny- that is how I felt. How I still feel. It was as if my life's path had suddenly revealed itself and whether or not it was the easy path or the exciting path, I inately knew that it was MY path and that I must own it.

I am much more panicked, sad, and worried at the recent acknowledgment in my life's path. That same little bundle of cells, that unplanned pregnancy, that moment of teenage hormones running wild that caused the little pink lines on the end of the stick, is today my absolutely incredible, beyond words, beautiful, talented, and almost perfect being. My daughter. My rock. My MacKenzie. And she is leaving........ What in the hell am I going to do without her in my every moment of everyday?

Now she is the 17 year old. But instead of telling her that she is pregnant and about to become a mother- I am blessed to be able to drink in a different kind of moment with my teenage daughter..... Every single college that Kenzie has applied to she has been accepted to- most with academic scholarships..... She has yet to recieve a single rejection letter.

I am so incredibly proud of her!! She is everything that I was not. Everything I still am not.
It is a strange feeling to see your child pass you by as if you are standing still. Truthfully it makes me wish that I had been a better example- that I had personally achieved more and served as an example - something her her to strive for.....Wait- maybe I have.... Maybe my example to her was to go and experience and strive and reach for the stars- not because I have done it and led by example..... BUT because I havent done it and that example speaks even more loudly.

I would start at the beginning if I could remember where that was.......

Ok ok here we go.....

I have procrastinated long enough.

I made a new years resolution not to mention a mental-health decision to blog(frequently)

I know that this is the right place for me to let it out- let it go and with any luck begin to put the pieces of my mind and my heart back together again.

Deep Breath In.......(counting to ten)

And exhale 1-2-3-4-5.......

Well maybe one day I will make it through that without my mind racing off in a new direction?

I guess I just want to say a few things before I get started here- - - I am going to blog about the actual events of my life- some current, some in the past, but all of them 100% in actual reality....

I know that alot of what I am going to say, may make people think of me in a less favorable light than I believe they do otherwise,(but what do I know maybe as it is everyone already thinks that I am fucked up and I am just blissfully ignorant or indignant.....)

calling all readers

This is a test